In todays society it’s easy to deplete the creative energy you have within you. This can happen when you stress a lot, too little work nourishing your creativity, or on a personal level such as depression that make you unbalanced.
One of the best tricks I have been handed to get my creative juices flowing is to actually roll you sleeves up and start doing what usually makes you creative, no matter how hard it is. For me this can be to go out and take pictures, draw something or write. By doing this you use the creative side of your brain and it fires up the creative processes. A great expression for this is “if I was only writing when I felt creative, I wouldn’t get much work done”.
Another great trick is to think of what it is in your life that you need to be creative, and write them down. These are my five biggest “must haves” that helps me being creative.
Feel free to share with us your creative “must haves” on our Facebook page or send an e-mail to and we will make a follow up post with what all of you following us need to have. Maybe you find a new one!
Physical activity
I must feel comfortable with myself and my body. To feel bloated or out of shape is a big deal breaker for me. It makes me feel uneasy to go out and wearing my clothes when I feel they are to small and don’t fit me. The classic “muffin top” above the pants is the worst! So physical activities in different forms gives me lots of energy and self-esteem to be the best version of me. One of my favorite things is to take a power-walk or going for a run listening to an audio book by someone smart or creative. That really get my creative side fired up.
Create things
When I get to take pictures, write blog posts like this one, plan a new project or a new book I feel the creative vein pumping. It gives me energy because I get to do what I want and to have something fun to look forward to. But to get started can sometimes by really hard..
Is something that I really value in my life and wish I could do even more. By todays date I have visited 11% of the worlds countries (according to the app Been), and I constantly want to expand that number. It fuels my creativity to be an explorer and see new things, experience a new culture and open my eyes for all the great things in the world. I truly believe that people who travel a lot and interacts with other cultures gets a better understanding for the world in all its differences. Most of the people I have met during my travels are great and genuine with big hearts and humanity.
Friends and family
Without them I would be nothing. They are my biggest supporters and safety net when I’m going through a tough time. They are my source of joy and love even if we are very different, we complement each other in many ways.
The feeling of accomplishment
Maybe this sounds weird, but I think this is something that can be applied on almost everyone. The feeling you get when you have accomplished something, like a tough work out, a job made well or something small as choosing the healthy option at lunch, gives a great feeling through your whole body. When we accomplish something that we have worked hard for we want to keep doing it. The trick is to not feel beaten when things get hard. It’s important to remember that a negative answer has nothing to do with you as a person, but with external factors that your can’t influence.
Feel free to share with us your creative “must haves” on our Facebook page or send an e-mail to and we will make a follow up post with what all of you following us need to have. Maybe you find a new one!